domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Oppression of the U.S. Laborers

  1. Jobs were at poor working conditions
  2. Wages were cut and many were unemployeed
  3. Alien Contract Labor of 1885 passed by Congress to prohibit corporations or individuals from paying for the transportation of foreign laborers into the U.S.
  4. Thanks to wage cuts there were violent outbreaks of strikes.
  5. Black and immigrants had the dirty jobs including those that pay little.
  6. Ten Hour Act of 1847 which limit the work of women and young persons hours for five days in week.
  7. Between 1897 and 1903, 18 million families made annual wages of $500 approximately which is below the cost of living for a family
  8. The competition of work and wages kept low
  9. (1913)- immigration of illiterate workers were limit by Congress.
  10. After WW2, it decrease overtime hours which it equal 50% less payment to take home.
  11. Influxes of 1970-1980 had 31% of black in poverty and 40% of black teenagers unemployed.
  12. Stress and Depression was caused by inflation and trade deficits or just unemployed workers.
  13. Immigrants took low paying jobs.

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