lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

Scott Walker's Proposal

     Wisconsin’s Governor, Scott Walker, made a proposal to limit collective bargain for most public employees. This proposal made by Governor Walker would limit the conditions of work. I think this proposal shouldn’t be enacted because it will create more protests and strikes in Wisconsin since it violates some of the worker’s right.

     First, it violates the human right because all workers have the right to collective bargain. Collective bargain ensures that their voice is heard and dignity be protected in their workplace. Residents in Wisconsin are protesting that this proposal will cripple education, leave the sick untreated, turn out on the poor out in the cold and ignore the state’s neediest residents. Some people think that a broke state is a state with many needs.

     This proposal definitely should be taken out because its causing more protest.
People should have their right to collectively bargain because it is a worker’s right. In addition, there has been an increase in police presence in the capital.

sábado, 16 de abril de 2011


     Workers have been dedicating time to improve economically and workplace. They gained rights through strikes and protests. Some rights are provided by Federal Employment Compensation Act, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Wagner-Peyser act of 1933, and USDOL.

      The Civil Rights Act, Wagner-Peyser Act, and USDOL provides help for the Workers. The Civil Right Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. The Wagner- Peyser Act of 1933, but amended in 1988 created a nationwide system that provides job seeker and employer labor exchanges services, and the USDOL prevent injuries and protect the health of workers. All this three help workers but the problem that needs to be change is the way that some people think or act because discrimination and racism is still going on. People could end discrimination if they look others equally.

     The Civil Rights Act, Wagner-Peyser Act, and USDOL all have their unique proper help for laborers. Still, the only problem that needs to change is the discrimination towards workers. Again, that problem could change if we all see each other equally.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Struggle and Activism of the Laborers

     The Laborers have resisted many discrimination for being women, black, immigrants, or in other words look as an inferior group. They still fight back by making strikes and mobs. mostly of the strikes that laborers made were non violent strikes.

     Laborers or workers had many discrimination problems thanks to racism. Still they've learn and believe now in style that Martin Luther King Jr. striked. Luther King believed in a non violent protest. An example of a non violent protest from the laborers is the 1989 strike of the United Mine Workers. They used non violen protest to get a contrar after nine months of protest. Many have learned that they don't need violence to get what they want, but worker won less than they loss in protest.

     Laborers have to struggle through protest to get what they want. They were less wins then loss but they still protest to get their rights. Many believed in non violent protests like Martin Luther King Jr.

domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Oppression of the U.S. Laborers

  1. Jobs were at poor working conditions
  2. Wages were cut and many were unemployeed
  3. Alien Contract Labor of 1885 passed by Congress to prohibit corporations or individuals from paying for the transportation of foreign laborers into the U.S.
  4. Thanks to wage cuts there were violent outbreaks of strikes.
  5. Black and immigrants had the dirty jobs including those that pay little.
  6. Ten Hour Act of 1847 which limit the work of women and young persons hours for five days in week.
  7. Between 1897 and 1903, 18 million families made annual wages of $500 approximately which is below the cost of living for a family
  8. The competition of work and wages kept low
  9. (1913)- immigration of illiterate workers were limit by Congress.
  10. After WW2, it decrease overtime hours which it equal 50% less payment to take home.
  11. Influxes of 1970-1980 had 31% of black in poverty and 40% of black teenagers unemployed.
  12. Stress and Depression was caused by inflation and trade deficits or just unemployed workers.
  13. Immigrants took low paying jobs.

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Worker's Right- History

Group of workers have existed in U.S. since like always, but slaves where the first laborers or workers without  rights. Workers have prosted and make strike since 1600s, and they have the right to do it. Slaves were treated unfairly but they have rebelled time in time to own their .

The group of workers have been so strong that goverment troops have crush out the strikes the workers made. First strike was recorded in 1619 in Jamestown colony.Also, there has been women protest for they to be workers and have equal right at work as men. Workers now in day make up 48% of US population, the other 42% are unemployed people. Also, thanks to unemployed people there is protest because they have been fired unfairly o those who have jobs and aren't paid fairly.

The right of workers is important as any other right. It shows how important and equal they are to others. In addition, protest or strike will be form if they don't have the right as worker.